Core Values

Family Journey — Our Core Values

Family Journey is a journey and a pathway. Where we join in is not important. What matters is where the pathway began:

1. The Call of the Father

Our Heavenly Father is longing for all His children to come home. No longer to be homeless. No longer to be orphans. Our Heavenly Father is calling: “Come home! Come back to my House!” If you are moved by the call of the Holy Spirit, and it stirs passion in your heart to respond, then arise and come home!

On the way “home”, we may wish for eveyone around us to join in. Though it is the Father’s heart for all, not everyone is prepared to go at the same time or in the same way. There is a different season in everyone’s personal journey, position, and timing. So we must let go and allow the Lord to do His work. It is not about the title, status, or name of those who are called to the journey, but about having the same heartbeat—the Father’s heartbeat. We are called to pursue Him on the same journey—a journey of turning our hearts toward Him (Malachi 4:6.) Unless we have the same heart, we cannot walk together. Unless we move in the same rhythm, we cannot dance together. We are not against a large number for unity, but we do not believe it’s based on the agreement of the majority.

2. A Journey Never Experienced Before

With an unceasing longing for our Father’s Heart, returning to His embrace, and beholding His beauty, we worship Him and surrender fully unto Him. Therefore, this is not just another meeting, a series of activities, nor a ministry. Rather, this is a journey that requires us to pursue the glory of God corporately. It is a selfless road leading to revival. Our purpose is to become a family with one single desire that is to become a dwelling place for our Father’s glory. Such journey is revolutionary.

We cannot in our own strength or in our own way, create a dwelling place for Him. This shall be done according to His word in Isaiah 66:1 which says, “Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?” No one can plan, design, make massive investments, nor work to build a dwelling place for our Lord. It requires us listening and discerning corporately, laying down all individual or group interests, and offering ourselves as building materials for His dwelling place. “This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word.” (Isaiah 66:2)

3. Follow God to Move Forward

Why do we practice “corporate listening”? It is because this journey is about becoming a family who listens together to the Father’s heart. In the last days, He will speak to His sons and daughters in visions, dreams, words of knowledge, and words of wisdom. He will release prophetic announcements and words pointing to signs and wonders. All these will be given by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better (Eph 1:17-19.) By walking together as a family, we can then realize the destiny and position of the Chinese church, inherit the land given by the Father, and fulfill Jesus’ promises to all nations.

Therefore, we come to worship the Father, wait upon Him, and align our hearts together with God and with each other, so that we can hear the words from the Holy Spirit. We have determined that unless we hear the Lord clearly and practice discernment, we will not proceed. Once we receive a clear instruction from the Lord, we will obey and follow through at all cost. A full surrender regardless of the cost is what brings joy to the Father’s heart.

Therefore, if you feel called to take part in the “Homecoming”, you must not only obey the call, but you must also take up the challenge to prepare by laying down everything. By obeying the Lord and submitting to one another, we can fulfill His desire for us to be in one heart and one way (Jer 32:39). If however, you do not feel called to participate at this time, it is important to obey the Holy Spirit as this is also an act of submission. We all must listen and obey the Lord as the Holy Spirit speaks to us. May all the churches who have ears, let them hear. Amen. May the heart of our Father be satisfied by having the submission and obedience of his children.

Pastor Lydia Wong
Copyright © 2025 Renewal Family / Vancouver City Prayer Altar