“One Family One Heart"
Chinese Pentecost Gathering

It’s the fullness of time! In 2012, the Lord handed over the key of David to the Chinese in Hong Kong Gathering. This year is exactly ten years. From “scattered sand”, the Chinese body is becoming a family. The church is becoming family! In this Pentecost gathering from June 2-4, 2022, the Church of Zion family, womb of the Homecoming journey, share how they have walked as a loving family, two generations in oneness over the last forty years. Other church families from the global Chinese family also share moving stories of the church becoming family.

In preparation for the Pentecost Gathering, we have “Come to the Upper Room” worship gathering with daily communion, with different worship leaders from the global Chinese family teaming up each day to lead worship under the Holy Spirit. Our desire is simply to offer our corporate worship in oneness and pure devotion to Him like the 120 people in the upper room in the early church. They didn't have any agenda or plan. A small group of them just gathered and yearned for God with one heart. They simply obeyed Jesus' command and waited for God's promise together, and He suddenly appeared!

Come, as ONE Chinese Bride, we pledge allegiant to our soon-coming Bridegroom King!

Global Chinese Homecoming Team

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worship YouTube playlist Come to the Upper Room Go Watch
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Pentecost Gathering YouTube playlist One Family One Heart Pentecost Gathering Go Watch
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