On Sept 18/19, 2009, the Jewish New Year (Feast of Trumpets), we had the first Chinese Gathering in Vancouver, which activated the series of Chinese Gatherings in Hong Kong from 2010 onwards. Now, 11 years later, the Jewish New Year falls on these exact dates, Sept 18/19, giving us a sign that the Lord wants us to align and gather once again in the womb of the Homecoming! The Chinese must enter into the 11th hour of the end times!
Representatives from the Greater Chinese Homecoming family from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and Overseas will come together online with Pastor David Demian, Pastor Gideon Chiu and other family from the nations to witness this historic moment! Our circumstances, culture, political background, and language may differ. But no matter where we are, in Christ, we can gather together in the Spirit! We will release the sound of the Chinese bloodline from the City of Zion (Vancouver), blowing the trumpets and proclaiming the good news: We have a resting place for the Lord (Joel 2:1; Isaiah 52:1-2, 8-9)!
(Please join the series of online Global Gatherings, “Preparing a Dwelling Place”, more into at https://watchmen.org)
The 120 who waited in the upper room only did one thing: being in one accord in one place in His appointed time! Then a great sound was released from heaven and the new season of the Holy Spirit began! Now as Jesus’ return draws near, Heaven is still waiting for the convergence of love from our generation in order to release the sound of Heaven again! In his time, Apostle John heard the sound of many waters and loud peals of thunder and said, “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready!” (Rev 19:6-7). Long before John, Ezekiel had also heard the sound of many waters. He saw the glory of God coming from the east and the earth shone with His glory (Ezekiel 43:2). Could it be this sound from the east that will lead the way in this generation to converge with God’s sound, as deep calls to deep, to release the sound of many waters bringing a convergence between heaven and earth?!
Come, Chinese Bride! Jesus is waiting for us to reveal the beautiful work He has done these years among us. He has made us a true family, a Five-in-One (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Overseas Chinese) family of love! Come, let us be the midnight criers: “The Bridegroom is here! Come out to meet him!” (Matt 25:6)
Come, global family! Listen to the love story of how the Greater Chinese family has been transformed from “scattered sands” to a family and an army! Come have communion with the Lord together and flow into the mighty convergence of love! Come join the sound of desire between the Heavenly Bridegroom and His earthly Bride!
And together, we cry out in ONE VOICE, as in Rev 22:20: “Come, Lord Jesus, we have prepared a dwelling place for you, so come and dwell among us!”
Please prepare: trumpets/shofars and communion elements. We encourage you to gather as a family, church, city or prayer altar as the Lord leads and join us in worship, blowing your trumpets/shofars and taking communion.
Date and Time:
7pm PT Vancouver Time, on Friday, Sept 18;
which is 10am CST China Time, on Saturday, Sept 19
Languages: Mandarin Chinese and English
YouTube links to join Gathering online:
Zoom link reserved for family in China:
Zoom ID: 81664689556
(Please watch on YouTube so that we can reserve Zoom capacity for family in China)
This is a convergence of streams of love! Please pass this on to those the Lord puts on your heart to join this trumpet call from the east that will release His glory and cause the land to shine! Let us enter the Jewish New Year of 5781 together with Him and His family!
Homecoming Team of the Greater Chinese Family